Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mrs. May's Trio bars

I don't  consider myself an advocate for many products.  I have, really, very few brands I'm loyal to.  I'm a marketer's nightmare (I can claim that proudly; my BBA degree is in Marketing.)  Let me see if I can think of a few things that I hold so dear that I would not consider switching brands.

...pause while I open up fridge and pantry.....

OK, here's my list...and I think you will conclude, that for the most part, I'm price driven, not brand driven.  I will buy a generic product before the brand product if I perceive the quality is equal.

Pop-tarts (store brand didn't pass the kid muster)

Hellman's mayonnaise.  (hands down the best.  reduced fat version is great as well)

Heinz ketchup.  Kids probably can't tell the difference but on the rare times I use ketchup it makes a difference to me.

Uncle Ben's Long Grain and Wild Rice

Good Season's Italian Salad Dressing Mix

Gatorade powder mix

Publix Mac and Cheese

Cape Cod Sea Salt and Vinegar Potato Chips (though I'm trying to avoid them)

Organic Valley milk.  OMG the absolute best thing to ever hit the shelves.  I didn't drink milk growing up, I thought it was gross.  Then hit my teens and found the 'good with sweets' connection, then the 'good with breakfast' connection.  I've been a milk drinker since.  When I was pregnant with my first child, I craved milk.  I wanted to be showered/bathed in milk. I had dreams of buckets of milk being dumped over my swollen, pregnant body.  (OK, oversharing here, sorry.)  Only drink it now once or twice a week, usually with breakfast.  The point is, Organic Valley milk is just fabulous.  Their whole milk tastes like cream, the 2% milk tastes like whole milk, and their skim milk tastes like 2% milk.  Color me impressed.  (Listening to the radio archives and that song, by The Replacements, was just playing.  How fitting.)

And the whole point of this post:  Mrs. May's Trio bars.  I can't wax enthusiastic enough.
Where do I begin?
To tell the story of how great a love can be?
(if you don't recognize the lyrics, that's the theme to Love Story)

I've bought a variety of bars since I've been riding.  Really, after an hour of hard riding, you need something if you plan to ride another hour or more.  So I've experimented around.  I tried the Clif bars, Nature Valley, Gu,  Power Bars, etc. I know I need  to add fuel on a long ride, but most of these things are inedible, to me.  The Kashi bars were exceptionally unpalatable. (An aside: I put the Kashi bars that I couldn't bear to consume in my glove box.  My plan was to give them to the homeless guys who have the 'HUNGRY' signs.  I don't have money to give them, but I try to keep something in the car to give them to assuage my guilt.  My husband had tried one of the Kashi bars and quipped:  That's a great idea, honey.  You give one of those bars to those guys, and the next time they see your car they'll take off....'oh, no, it's the Kashi lady!'  You won't be bothered by those guys again!)

On an impulse I bought a box of Trio bars at BJs.  It says 3 nuts, 3 seeds and 3 fruits.    No additives, no cholesterol, no preservatives, no gluten, dairy, wheat, or gmo.  Kosher.  Anyway, none of that matters if it doesn't taste good.  And, my god, this bar does.  It is a treat.  Yes, it is higher in calories than other bars, but they are nutritious calories.  When I'm on a group ride I try to break off a piece to share with someone.  Converts, all.  We're spreading the word.  Just wish I could get a commission.

I've seen them at Sweetbay and at BJ's and at Amazon. If you work out hard and need a snack break, I think you'll be happy with a Trio.

Mrs. May's Trio bars.  One of the best things, ever.

1 comment:

  1. Either you or Nancy gave me one of those Trio bars on a ride one day, and I really enjoyed it. It was my 2nd loop of the Wilderness Trails that day (maybe the day i fixed your pedal?), and I was out of snacks and it was REALLY delicious... However (oh, here he goes), when I got home, I took the wrapper out of my jersey pocket (I haul out my trash, folks, and you should too), I discovered that the tasty treats are made in China. As a result, I have not purchased any Trio bars, nor have I eaten another one since that day. Now I know that this may be unnecessarily xenophobic of me, but if the Chinese cannot even produce milk that's safe for their own children to drink, for example, who's to say that they give a rat's ass about the ingredients of the products they export? So, my policy is to just say no to Chinese-produced foodstuffs.
